This is such a serious subject but one that not many feel comfortable talking about, especially if it affects them personally. It's a situation no one thinks they could ever find themselves in but it's so important to understand that listening is the biggest tool you have in your arsenal to help others.
Every year organisations and communities around the world come together to raise awareness of how we can create a world where fewer people die by suicide.
Gaynor Tennent, Founder of the OA and Chair, opens the session with some eye-opening facts :
"The World Health Organisation state that more than 700,000 people die each year by suicide and for each of those suicides, there are 20 more attempts.
In the UK, 2 people in the construction industry alone, die by suicide every day making that about 700 per year.
Another survey suggests that another 26% have expressed suicidal thoughts at some point during their career."
"So why is the rate over 3x higher in the construction industry and what can we all do about it"?
In this session, we were joined by a great lineup of speakers, brave enough to share their own experiences and offer guidance to those who may find themselves struggling or know of someone else who is struggling. What should we look out for?
Watch the previously live session to hear from these fantastic speakers who also offered some key advice:
Rhian Baker - Thorn Construction
If you do find yourself having negative feelings, and you're not comfortable speaking about it, try the Construction Industry Helpline app. You can use it anonymously and you don't necessarily have to talk to anybody but it will point you in the right direction as to where you can go and the different facilities that are available.
Don't feel like you have to 'man up' - It's ok to talk.
To help others, Listen. Listen and watch out for the signs.
Andrew Bellerby - Solibri
Look for the changes in people. When you ask people if they are ok and they say 'i'm fine' if you've noticed a change in them, then perhaps phrase the question a little bit differently. I've noticed you're not your usual self, do you want to have a chat about it? - It's okay not to be okay!
Andrew has first-hand experience, with his daughter trying to take her own life in 2016. Now, she's fighting for the cause and championing for awareness and better understanding and support for mental health. You can follow here on these social platforms:
Facebook @chloebellerbymentalhealth
Twitter @chloebellerbymh
Instagram @chloebellerbymh
Tiktok @chloebellerbymh
Heather Barker from The Samaritans
Implores us all to 'Listen, Listen, Listen'...
Listen - Listen with your ears, eyes and heart to whats going on so you can recognise those warning signs
Listen - Follow up. I've noticed you're not yourself. What's going on?
Listen - Listen to yourself. If you look at the signs of stress, be really honest and say "are any of those me"? If they are...
What's causing it and what can I do about it? Heather has shared a useful 'Warning signs' list to help identify those signs which can be downloaded here:
Not being okay is still widely stigmatised. And governments can still make better, more ambitious plans to prevent suicide. Every 10 seconds, The Samaritans respond to a call for help!
Useful contacts and information can be found here:
Construction Industry Helpline App can be downloaded from here
Andy's Man club
Lighthouse club
The Offsite Alliance - Feel free to contact us. We're always happy to help and signpost
Thank you for joining us, reading our post and supporting others.